Tips on getting lip filler for the first time

Ready for lip filler? – How to have the best results and experience

Lip filler with a desire for fuller, more even lips is consistently one of the top non-surgical aesthetic procedures performed each year. Social media is full of perfectly plump lips.

Our top tip for you, if you are considering lip augmentation, is to research your provider. Are they at a dermatology office, with medical experts specifically trained in the care of skin?

Below are our tips about getting lip filler for you if you are thinking about getting lip filler, things to do before your appointment, and post care advice.

Our top 10 tips for lip filler beginners:


Do your research. What is their education? Are they a medical provider with Board-certification? Look at the pictures of other patients they have injected. This is a medical procedure. You want a medically trained expert.

You will need a cosmetic consultation. These usually have a fee, but most offices put that fee is put towards your filler purchase. We do. We charge $150 and have three medical providers that are open for appointments for lip filler. Each of our providers are Board-certified, have tons of experience and training, and are experts in the injectables we recommend.


Not all lip fillers are the same. We use hyaluronic acid (HA)-based injectable gel fillers by RHA, Restylane, and Juvéderm Collection of Fillers. These are the most popular and are the ones we have researched to be the best.

HA filler naturally degrades and is absorbed by the body over time (hence why you will need to schedule more appointments to for touchups.


What comes to mind when you think of lip filler? What was the driver for you wanting lip filler? What look are you trying to achieve? Is it a very full pout or more natural look, evening out your existing lips and slightly augmenting? Lip filler can actually look very natural and is the goal of most of our patients. But if you want full, pouty lips, we can do full, beautiful lips. At the consultation, we listen to your goals and give our best recommendations to achieve what you want, ensuring that they fit your features.


You’re used to being asked about any medications you are taking on intake forms at the doctor’s office, but vitamins and supplements matter too, especially when injecting filler. Below you can find our recommendations on which to stop taking prior to getting filler, but talk to us at your consultation. Many vitamins and supplements can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising. Also, avoid blood thinners (if your primary care physician signs off), NSAIDS, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, and alcohol in order to reduce the risk of prolonged swelling and/or bruising. Below are a few other tips, like avoiding facial or body massages immediately after filler injections.


You may have heard lip injections referred to as a ‘lunchtime procedure,’ and it does live up to the hype. We will take ‘before’ photos and then apply numbing cream. We allow 30 – 45 minutes for the numbing.


Most fillers on the market today are pre-mixed with lidocaine to improve the comfort of the injection, and we use a topical numbing cream in addition. There will still be some discomfort, but our injectors and their amazing teams are very good at minimizing any discomfort and distracting you. Again, talk to your medical provider and share with her your fears or worries.


Bruising and swelling are both common post-treatment. They usually last a few days. Ice packs are good for this as well as a few other tips we share below, like topical arnica. We love when patients share with us their true after pictures, about a week after the procedure.


We believe that the process of lip augmentation should be a gradual one, especially if this is your first time. It is always easy to add more lip filler. We recommend scheduling a follow-up appointment about two weeks after your initial appointment to discuss your goals for lip filler and if they have been achieved.


The results with lip filler are immediate, keeping in mind the anticipated and normal bruising and swelling. The treated area will swell and settle within five to seven days.


Last but not least, let’s talk about cost. Lip filler is not cheap. Know your budget ahead of your appointment and discuss that with your injector at your consultation.

A lip augmentation procedure can cost between $500 and $2,000 dollars, depending on the type and amount of filler, the provider, and your location. In case it’s not clear, that is the cost of each treatment. If you want to maintain your results, you’ll need to budget for that recurring cost every six to 12 months.

As tempting as it may be to look for a discount, this is not the time to be a bargain hunter. Finding an expertly trained, Board-certified provider with proven expertise is essential to avoid unnecessary risk. You also may want to consider including filler for other areas on your face. Maybe your lips look small and disproportional because of your cheeks, chin, and or jawline. Many times the optimal result is a combination of fillers on the entire face, but that is why you find the right injector for you. One that will look at your face as a whole.


Do your homework. Research. Know wat you want, even bringing in pictures to your consultation. Be completely honest and open in talking to your medical provider. Ask about after care. The bonus with lip filler is they do also hydrate your lips due to the hyaluronic acid, but you need to keep them moisturized and yourself hydrated by drinking enough water every day to maintain your result. Don’t hesitate to go under the needle again to keep your lips looking great. AND share your experience. We love to hear from happy patients, especially when we can share their beautiful results with others who are considering the same procedure.

For a speedier recovery after filler:
• Cold gel packs are good. Use for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.
• Take Arnica orally – this will help with swelling and bruising.

Best ways to maintain your lip filler:
• Stay hydrated – hyaluronic acid (In some Fillers) binds to water; the more hydrated you are the better you will look. Plus, it is good for you!
• It is best not to go more than 6-12 months between filler appointments. By maintaining this schedule, you will not only be able to maintain your look, but also make continued improvements (when an adequate amount of filler are placed). After two years of this type of schedule, the majority of patients will require less filler per visit.

Before your appointment for lip filler:
• One week prior to your treatment, avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications (Advil, Motrin, Aleve, or Ibuprofen), herbal supplements, Vitamin E, or fish oil supplements. Check with your prescribing doctor before stopping these if they have been prescribed for a medical condition. Tylenol is okay to continue. This will help with minimizing bruising.
• Adding leafy greens to your diet will boost your Vitamin K and help to reduce the possibility of bruising and swelling. Bonus, they are good for you!
• Avoid eating apples or large quantities of garlic before your appointment, as these can increase the chance of swelling and bruising. Also, avoid alcohol.
• Arnica supplements have been shown to reduce discomfort, bruising, and swelling from injectable procedures. Arnica pills may be started the day before or the day of treatment and should be continued until bruising has resolved. We have them available in the Revive store.
• A topical anesthetic/numbing cream may be applied to help with any discomfort. Numbing is included in your appointment time, which is why it is important to arrive at the time discussed when you book your appointment.

After your appointment:
• Bruising is a consideration. Schedule any important social plans at least 7-10 days post injection.
• After the initial injection of Dermal Filler, the area will be swollen, and final results will be attained 2 to 3 weeks post injection. Full results from a Botox treatment occur 5 – 10 days post treatment.
• Do NOT have any facial laser or energy treatments for two weeks following your injection.
• Do NOT have any type of facial massage or place your face in a facial cradle for massage or chiropractic for 24 hours following your injection.
• You may resume your skincare program the same day as your treatment. Makeup is also ok to wear after your injections.

The important DO NOTs after Filler:
• DO NOT wear swim goggles for two weeks after dermal filler around the eyes or cheeks.
• DO NOT take ibuprofen or aspirin for 48 hours after dermal filler.
• Do NOT have an important social event for 10 days after dermal filler as there is a risk of residual bruising. The time for optimal results from your filler varies – most have immediate results, but some take a few weeks to months for the final result.

Next steps?

Make an appointment to talk to one of our expert medical providers. They can discuss options with you , cost, and outcomes.
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