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Eczema – Understand & Manage your Eczema

Eczema causes widespread skin inflammation and redness. This condition can become overwhelmingly painful, which is why our team at Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center, PLLC offers comprehensive eczema care. We offer flexible scheduling if you’re experiencing a flare-up. Schedule an appointment easily online.

Eczema Q & A

What causes Eczema?

Eczema is an umbrella term that describes a variety of allergic skin conditions and overly sensitive skin. While the exact cause isn’t always known, medical experts believe that harsh detergents, cold winds, dry air, and excessive bathing may all play roles in triggering flare-ups. You might also be prone to developing eczema if you have:

  • Chronic sleep problems, like sleep apnea
  • A family history of eczema
  • Asthma, hay fever, or allergies

Since about 15 million Americans struggle with this condition and up to 20% of all infants develop it, understanding the symptoms and starting treatment early on can help restore your skin’s health.

Signs & Symptoms

Although signs and symptoms can vary with each flare-up. You’re likely to experience:Allergic Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

  • Overly dry skin and itchiness
  • Red or brown-gray patches
  • Raw, swollen, or sensitive skin
  • Small raised bumps, almost like pimples

This condition can occur anywhere on your body, including your eyelids, chest, hands, and the inside bend of your elbows. Infants often develop it on  their face and scalp.

Treatment & Management of Eczema

It is generally recommended to apply clinical-grade moisturizers specifically designed for sensitive skin, often several times a day. We also typically suggest using a cold compress when you’re having a flare-up.

Many sufferers find relief with anti-inflammatory corticosteroid creams and ointments, which we can prescribe. In some cases, you might need antibiotics to combat underlying infections, or antihistamines if known allergies are worsening your eczema flare-ups.

Phototherapy, where you expose your skin to specific light rays, is another option for treatment. This helps regenerate new, healthy cells and reduces the appearance of rashes.


In addition to treating flare-ups, we can then help you prevent future ones. Keeping your skin moisturized with clinical-grade moisturizers is especially important. You can also prevent eczema issues by:

  • Avoiding steamy showers or hot baths
  • Applying moisturizer right after showering or bathing
  • Reducing stress and anxiety

If your flare-ups stem from contact dermatitis and allergy issues, there may be environmental or physical factors you should avoid or limit to prevent future flare-ups.

Schedule an appointment to talk to our team of experts about the best options for you.

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Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center, PLLC

Revive Medical Spa, LLC